Friday 31 October 2014

The Spirit of Movember.

I've been growing a beard (and keeping it trimmed I'll add) for about 2 years now.
It covers up a whole load of ugly but I liked it. The Wife strongly disapproved of it.
Tonight, I thought I would give her a treat and also join in with the spirit of Movember.
There was a bit of a bash on at work, hot towel shaves, beers and pie and peas, so I thought I would pop my head through the door for an hour so as not to appear ignorant.

I chose to get it all taken off...

...hey, it'll cheer the Wife up...

...or so I though.

It was half an hour before I got sat down...and then it took the best part of an hour to get it done...and when it was done I couldn't just leave without chewing the fat, could I?

So I rock up home after almost 2 hours, clean shaven and without a drop of beer passing my be greeted with 'I thought you were only going to be an hour?'

Well FUCK YOU...the beard's coming back!

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