Friday 31 October 2014

Collegue Rant!

I don't often do it as it's against 'company policy', but this is a rant about one of my colleagues, and in no way reflects on my employer, or gives away their identity.
I only work for a small company. I look after the staff, across a few different departments.
The person I'm going to unleash a torrent of abuse against looks after himself and his sales. He had his only 'subordinate' taken away from him because he was unmanagable. When said member of staff handed his notice in it was a day worth celebrating.

But that's by the by.

Today this sales person of ours took my blood to boiling temperature in an attempt to inflate their ego even more than usual.
I walked into the office while he had his hand stretched out to our Administrator. The sales person of ours appeared to be moaning about how little money they had in their pocket.
I said, 'you're lucky, I've only got this until the end of the week haha'.
(2 quid by the way, unless I can get more spending money from the trouble and strife haha)

They then produced a wad of notes, we're talking maybe 300 quid.

I said that it must be bonus week and carried on about my business.

Now this is what really boiled my blood into a froth.
The sales person later came to see me, asking how come I was so skint when I was paid at the same time as they were.
Well, mortgage, council tax, bills, food, school fees, childcare, own car to run etc etc.
They said the best thing they ever did was move in with their partner, all they are paying out now is 400 quid a month.
My reply was that it was wholly inappropriate what they did, especially infront of our Administrator. (Who they were telling only a few weeks ago that they were in a dead end job!)
I know for sure (from the horses mouth) they wangled a pay rise to cover an increase in their rent within the last year or so.
I know the scams they are pulling...and the time they are wasting at work...yet THEY had the cheek to say I always find the bad in things.
It's not that, it's more that everything the present is bad.

Their work is substandard. Yeah, they're making the sales, but to have the majority of the workforce dislike them is becoming a massive drain on morale.

There isn't a day goes by that this person doesn't irritate somebody.
It's usually me, but that is because when I am at work I am 100% work focussed, this person is probably about 60% work focussed.
Personal calls, personal emails, leaving work early as they 'have to be somewhere'. This somewhere is usually at a neighbouring business chewing the fat.

Should all this piss me off?
Our business is making this person successful, surely it should be the other way round?

Here's the little twist though...(and this is subject to change at any time) my Wife and I have worked through any problems we have encountered to make sure we're happy, and that we have a stable family. Although we don't have over a grand in spare cash a month...we have our own house...
...and I don't think I'm hated within the company!

If anybody actually reads this, I would love to know your thoughts. Leave a comment, drop m an email, it's up to you.

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