Monday 16 February 2015

Let's moan about the Football.

What's to moan about, I hear you ask?

Bradford City beat Sunderland 2 - 0 and did it very well, but my god can people moan.

At Bradford City there are 56 seats covered. They are never used and they are covered in memory of the 56 supporters who sadly lost their lives in the fire of 1985. The Bradford City fire is etched into the memory of anybody from Bradford, it was a tragic event that will never be forgotten.
Where do these come in to it?
Well some cantankerous bastard was moaning about it.
2 other seats had been re-allocated, elsewhere in the stadium, and he was moaning, wondering why 2 had been re-allocated and there were still 56 covered up.
I didn't bother arguing, I would have bitten his head off. This guy had already pissed me off. He seems to have total disregard for everybody and everything.
Within the first 5 minutes of meeting him he was moaning about cyclists and the road, and how the Tour De France should have been sabotaged by throwing diesel and tacks on the road. He was moaning about people parking on a tight road when he had to get his wagon round, telling me he was going to bash them off the road.
He's supposed to be a professional driver FFS! If he's driving a wagon he must have taken the CPC or "Certificate of Professional Competency".
People like this get on my tits.

Then there was the Steward who I overhear.
Manager: "There were a few missiles being thrown, but at least nobody got hurt".
Steward: "Yeah, well. I got hit on the foot".

SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.........

Anyhow, from a non Football fan who makes it to quite few games...C'Mon CITY!!!

Thursday 12 February 2015

What is it with...

...these people that want everybody to known what they're up to?
I tried calling you at 09:40, you didn't answer the call.
You didn't have to text me to tell me you're rushing around getting ready to go to the vets, and that you'll call me at 10 o'clock.
The suspense wouldn't have killed me, I could have waited 15 minutes 

Tuesday 10 February 2015

I'll tell you what...

...boils my piss.

It boils my piss that I have 3 kids under the age of 5 to get ready by myself in a morning, yet I'm still at work no less than 15 minutes before our 'official' start time.
When I say I'm at work, I mean I'm through the door, I've turned the alarm off, I've done a walk around flicking lights and display TV's on. I've come into my office, fed my fish and changed the backup disk...and sat at my desk no less than 15 minutes early.
If you're early, you're on time, if you're on time, you're LATE!
It boils my piss that NOBODY else cares to do this.

It boils my piss that when I do get here, I park in the car park where the DIRECTOR asked us to park when we moved into this building. Yeah it's perfectly legal to park up the road and away from the shop front, but the DIRECTOR asked us to park in the car park that belongs to the building, so I do. If I ever park outside the front of the shop, or even on the loading bay, it's because I'm loading or unloading something into my car...and then I move it, immediately. It boils my piss that the other 'senior manager' (and I use this term VERY lightly as he has nothing to manage but himself, and still fails to achieve an acceptable outcome) flouts this reasonable request.

It boils my piss that I spend 50% of my day working, another 45% of the day working and 5% not exactly working. By not exactly working I mean the odd sly text message, usually around 10 am when the Wife will be on her break. After all, she left the house at 05:15, so I've not exactly had chance to speak to her.
It boils my piss that some people spend 50% of their day tossing it off, another 45% avoiding work, and the other 5% not exactly working.
Yeah he might bring in the sales, but very few new customers unless they are handed to him on a plate.
Yeah turnover might have increased, but only because customers have come to us.

It boils my piss that as soon as the sale is complete, he thinks that is his work over with. Maybe it's not, maybe he could give a bit of customer support every now and then. Maybe his customers choose to speak to somebody else because he's as much use as a Turtle on a Tram line.

It boils my piss that when my Mother-In-Law passed away before Christmas, I took a couple of days off to support my Wife and Family, and to attend the funeral.
I didn't spend my days on the phone trying to sort things out, I didn't disappear for hours walking around the place telling everybody my business and fishing for sympathy. I got on with it, I've boxed it up for later, when I'm alone (I'll get a day to myself some time, eventually). Yeah I wouldn't mind if somebody asked how I was doing, in fact, I would relish the opportunity to offload my woes, but I'm not going to harp on about it to get sympathy.
It boils my piss that every customer and supplier that he has spoken to knows everything about him.
Work is work, home is home...leave them there.

But I'll tell you what really boils my piss, the fact he's allowed to get away with it, that's what boils my piss.